Ormskirk Prior Mark Installation No1019
28th November 2019
Ormskirk Priory Mark Lodge held their Installation meeting on Thursday 28 November at Ormskirk Masonic Hall. WBro Tony Prior was going to stay in the chair for a second year and so it was only going to be a Proclamation Ceremony.
WM,Tony Prior and DC, Allan Ashcroft
After the lodge had been opened and the domestic business concluded it was time to admit the RW Provincial Grand Master’s Representative, WBro Graham Bailey, PGJD, who was accompanied by VWBro Maurice Evans, PGJO who is the PGM’s special Rep for the area; VWBro Fred Hargreaves, PGJO and WBro William Cropper, PGJD, and acting Provincial Grand Offices, WBro David Rigby, PrGSW and WBro Kevin Chicken, PrGSO.
Tony Prior and Graham Bailey
The Worshipful Master welcomed WBro Bailey to the lodge and hoped that he and the other guests would have an enjoyable evening. After the salutations had been given the DC, WBro Allan Ashcroft, PPrGMO, proclaimed WBro Tony Prior, Worshipful Master of Ormskirk Priory Mark Lodge and WBro Prior was then greeted by the brethren.
VWBro Maurice Evans; WM and WBro Graham Bailey
The addresses were given by WBro David Rigby; to the Wardens; WBro Allan Ashcroft, to the Overseers and WBro Graham Bailey to the Brethren. On the completion of the ceremony, WBro Graham Bailey brought the congratulations of RWBro Keith Beardmore to Worshipful Master.  He also congratulated the DC, WBro Allan Ashcroft on a job well done.
Worshipful Master with Gand and Provincial Offices

With the lodge closed it was time for dinner. We wish WBro Tony Prior and Ormskirk Priory Mark Lodge a happy and successful year and hopefully plenty of candidates.
Words and pictures by Derek Gaskell

Words and pictures by Derek Gaskell